A difficult time for the world
In the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, confinement became a popular method used by politicians to limit the spread of the virus. Between February and April 2020, the world was a different place. In many towns and cities, streets were empty. Popular attractions, such as recreational parks, malls, and even churches, were deserted. It was a troublesome time for most people.
The confinement era that the world witnessed in recent months led to an array of changes in society. People had to work from home. Others could not work at all. Education became an “online thing.” But being confined had negative effects on the psyche of the individual. Of course, there is no need to mention them here. Even so, the drawbacks of this approach to dealing with the pandemic can be incontestable.
By the end of spring 2020, there was a popular uprising against confinement. People in various communities revolted against being forced to stay at home. The popular slogan, at least here in the United States, was to “Open the State.” Government officials had to reverse course. By the summer, many countries around the world had finally reopened.
Resurgence of COVID-19 cases
Since the beginning of the fall, Coronavirus cases have been increasing at an alarming rate. Across the globe, world leaders are talking about implementing new restrictions. Confinement measures are contemplated as the only means to mitigate the current increase in COVID-19 cases. Across Europe already, many people have been required to stay in their home during certain hours of the day or the night. Other leaders have adopted more stringent measures. Some are thinking about going to a complete lock-down mode. It is going to be a long winter.
Some people are optimistic. Recently, various US companies announced that a new vaccine is on the way; it is, apparently, 90% effective against the Coronavirus. The hope is that the vaccine will become a reality by spring 2021. However, this potential panacea is not without controversies.
Many people have claimed that the vaccine would only make matters worst. Some have vowed not to take it. Government officials have also hinted that they will use their power to impose the vaccine on the individual. A vaccine fight is looming on the horizon. I am sure that members of the media will do everything in their power to make those who do not want to take the vaccine feel ashamed of themselves.
An uncertain future
What will happen if [and when] a vaccine becomes available? Will you take the vaccine? Would you prefer confinement instead? Are you okay with the hysteria of mask-wearing? These are important questions, which you should consider as we move toward this so-called “dark winter.”
What is unequivocal is that confinement is no fun at all, particularly for children, many of whom are forced to attend school online? Sadly, online education does not work, particularly at the elementary level. But what can they do, really? I am not sure.
The prospect of confinement does not bring joy to most people. For others, it would only make things worse. An effective vaccine against the COVID-19 would be a welcome relief. That being said, taking the vaccine [should it become available] should be a personal choice.