Most teachers do not teach anymore.
In recent years, many teachers have relinquished their teaching responsibilities inside the classroom. Some have completely surrendered to the power of the internet. It would not be an overstatement to say that most websites, notably those that are specialized in education, are more valuable than most teachers are in the classroom.
Little by little, teachers are being replaced by machines. Some are okay with that. But others are not pleased at all.
A changing educational landscape.
The teaching profession is changing. Because of the internet, there had been a few radical changes in the way we teach. Most times, teachers are there only to supervise what students do online. The debate is raging about the extent to which we should consider that approach teaching at all.
Is it true that most teachers do not want to be substituted by a computer or something akin to that? The answer is not clear. It is irrefutable that school officials are the driving forces behind the push to have students spend most of their school day on the Internet. The impact of this trend in education seems irreversible.
The internet and education seem to go hand-and-hand. Nowadays, education always has an online component. However, some would argue that this marriage is bad for students, at least in the long run. Is there any truth to that viewpoint? I would say yes. Here, we could agree to disagree.
Outdated views.
Please spare me the guilt of shaming teachers for making their students use the internet properly. I know that some might see no wrong in the internet in schools. I am not making the irreconcilable argument that the internet is bad for education. Hear me out….
I am not living in the dark ages. I understand the need for technology in education. The problem is that I do not think we should surrender our educational system to the internet, at least not yet.
To say it again, I do not want to sound like a grumpy old man who despises the Internet. It is not because I do not know how to enjoy the internet. In a previous post, I mentioned that I fear the internet.
My position in this post is not nefarious. It is not because I do not know how to have fun online. I do it often. But I am concerned with the potential issues the internet might breed.
If you were to reference this blog alone, you would see that I am always on the Internet. I have quite a repertoire of posts here. However, my children do not have to be online, especially if they are supposed to be inside a classroom learning from an experienced professional in education. Would you agree?