The Benwoodpost
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K-12 Education

Children and The Internet (The Rise of Social Media Coercion)

Forced to be online.

I’ll be honest, I am tired of having to deal with school requests to have my children parade their selves on the Internet. I would never allow my children to expose themselves unnecessarily on the internet, even for the sake of learning. However, I know also that it is a battle that I will eventually lose. Almost every aspect of the schooling process these days is online.

The school even requires my youngest to carry around a laptop computer in his backpack. He must bring it to school every day; he must charge the laptop at home at night. It is quite a burden for the child.

Changing times.

Times have changed. When I was in elementary school, I did not have to worry about charging up my laptop. Wait, I did not have a laptop. With or without technology, education does not require additional tasks other than focusing on the materials one must learn.

I feel like education today is too burdensome for a child. Frankly, I do not see the point. Children are not learning more than  before. Yet, the expectation is that student must contribute more to their education. Is it right? Perhaps not at all.

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