The Benwoodpost
The Ben Wood Johnson Podcast

Understanding Bad Faith (Jean-Paul Sartre 2) – TBWJP013

Examining Bad Faith

This Podcast discusses the notion of freedom. But it does so from a Sartrean perspective. The focus is on the concept of “Bad Faith.”

In this installment, I examine the degree to which the being is able to reconcile the self in relation to the self and others. In this instance, the being tends to lie to the self. The being is trying to deceive the self.

The Being is Fixed

The being wants to remain “fixed.” Sartre, on the other hand, argues that the being is always transcending. The being is always moving between the for-it-self (Subjectivity) and the in-itself (Objectivity).

When the being refuses to see the self as a fluid entity in the world, the being is deceiving the self. The being is trying to be other than he actually is. Thus, the being is in bad faith.

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